As the parent of a public school student, your voice can make a big difference in ensuring that schools do not indoctrinate children into ideological agendas.

High schools throughout California are developing/selecting Ethnic Studies curricula to meet a new state graduation requirement. We are working to ensure that these curricula build understanding and mutual respect, rather than place students into oppressor/victim boxes or promote extreme ideologies, antisemitism, and other bigotry.

Constructive Ethnic Studies courses honestly address historic and current challenges and highlight the contributions of ethnic groups. We want to share these options with high school districts’ administrations across the state. 

Will you help by setting up a meeting with your district? We’ll identify the right person and provide you with a template email. You could choose to be a part of the meeting with us or simply make the connection.

You do not need to have a student in high school to request a meeting. As a parent of a school child, you have a vested interest in this subject.

Please fill the form below if you are willing to email your high school district’s administration to help us set up a meeting, and please forward this email to friends in other California school districts.

Thank you for your help in this important effort!  Together we will make a difference.